Posted by: Brent | December 29, 2009

High Performance Program Application

With the December 31 deadline for application to the Canadian Orienteering Federation’s High Performance Program coming up, I spent a good chunk of the evening going over the application with a couple of my athletes. The application process is a bit tedious and difficult especially if you have never done it before. But SO worthwhile! Actually, we should have gone through this at the end of the O season, but I have been adjusting to parenthood and the athletes have been pretty busy with skiing.

At any rate, the major elements include race analysis of 4 races from the past season including splits and routes (you can check out Dahria’s entry on Attackpoint) and goalsetting (more on that next time).


There are certainly lots of ways to do race analysis. Regardless of what method you choose, the important thing is to take something from each race and try to improve upon it for the next race. However, it is important not to get bogged down in the mistakes. Make sure to include some of the positives as well.

I think many people do what Dahria has done–go through their races leg by leg making comments. The advantage of this is that you can really focus on feelings and thoughts which are such a major element of orienteering success.

Another way to do it would be to fill out a form. Usually this method includes some sort of data: time lost, percentage behind, etc. I personally like this form that was created by Adrian a few years ago. He obviously put a lot of thought into it. The first thing I like is that there is a planning element to get you thinking about your race before you run it. The second thing I like is the accompanying form for comparing your race statistics over the season.

Yet another way to analyze your races would be to do what Katta Smith showed me at a camp a few years ago. She simply drew a horizontal line on the edge of her map. In point form, above the line she would put positives and below the line she would put “needs improving”. In keeping with what I was saying earlier about not dwelling on mistakes too much, she emphasized always putting more positives than “needs improving”. The obvious advantage to this is it doesn’t take very long. It is better to do something than nothing at all.


  1. […] As I mentioned in my last post, the High Performance Program Application also includes a goal setting section. The Yukon athletes […]

  2. […] If you think about and answer these questions ahead of time, then you know what to expect on race day, you will know exactly what to do in various situations and you will be more focused. I really like this one that Adrian created because it is short and concise and it can then be used for post-race analysis. […]

  3. […] need to work on for next time. For an example of race analysis, you can check out Dahria’s race analysis from last year for her HPP Application. Here is my completed Competition Plan/Race Analysis sheet from yesterday’s […]

  4. […] Tomorrow we have the Yukon Middle Champs on the MacPherson map. It is especially important to use this race as practice as we are nearing JWOC and NAOC. So please take the time to fill out a competition plan which you can find in this entry. […]

  5. […] and personal performance. Before each race, we emphasized a few task-based goals and came up with a pre-race plan. The key was that the athletes focused on performing THEIR best. So, it was the discipline and […]

  6. Reblogged this on Running Wild and commented:

    We are into race season again. I got a request from Eric Kemp for this Race Preparation/Race Analysis form. You can read the blog post where I talk about it. I posted the form to Slideshare originally but I guess you have to sign up in order to download it. So as per Eric’s request, here is an easier download using Dropbox. I hope some of the rest of you can make use of it as well.

  7. […] This weekend I will be at the Vancouver Sprint Camp coaching Orienteering Canada High Performance Program athletes. As a small aside, the 2013 HPP athletes were just named. I have been asked to do a presentation on Saturday night about race analysis to all the sprint camp participants. It makes a lot of sense to talk about race analysis at that time as there will have been a couple of races during the day. As it is, the race analysis form that I like has a race plan section. I thought I would take this opportunity to stress the importance of race plans and goal setting as the first events are already underway on Friday. You can check out the race plan/race analysis form from this earlier post. […]

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